Advertise properties in the blink of an eye.

Conduit turns any real estate listing into a social marketing video, ready to post on Instagram or TikTok. Save hours every week, and get your properties in front of potential buyers.

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More views and bookings every day.

Posting videos every day means more views, shares, and bookings for your properties in Japan. Real estate company Nostal Homes saw a 282% increase in engagement with Conduit's videos.

How does it work?

Conduit makes attendee social assets at scale.

Pre-filled Profiles

Conduit maps attendees from Linkedin, Instagram, X, or IMDB for profile images and job information.

Custom Messages

Conduit designs templates for 100 or 100,000 attendees. Differentiate VIPs from general attendees, or showcase products.

Infinite Scale

Conduit integrates to your event's CRM or email communications, so attendees get their assets without any work.

Be the first to reach customers abroad.

Conduit is faster and more affordable than a social media manager. Email us today to see what we're accomplishing for our partners, and how you can reach a new audience for your properties.

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